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Showing posts from September, 2021

Docker Activities 1

Docker Activities 1: Verify the environment and command line tools: 1. Verify the Docker version: theia@theiadocker-mohiindia:/home/project$ docker --version Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c 2. Verify the IBMCloud Version: theia@theiadocker-mohiindia:/home/project$ ibmcloud version ibmcloud version 1.2.3+3577aee6-2020-09-25T14:34:09+00:00 3.Clone the git repository that contains the artifacts needed for this lab: theia@theiadocker-mohiindia:/home/project$ git clone Cloning into 'cc201'... remote: Enumerating objects: 755, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (755/755), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (391/391), done. remote: Total 755 (delta 424), reused 654 (delta 352), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (755/755), 6.43 MiB | 18.71 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (424/424), done. 4. Change to the directory for this lab. theia@theiadocker-mohiindia:/home/project$ cd cc201/labs/1_ContainersAndDocker/

Docker Installation

  ​ Installation ​ Linux Install script provided by Docker: curl -sSL | sh Or see Installation instructions for your Linux distribution. ​ Create Docker VM with Docker Machine You can use Docker Machine to: Install and run Docker on Mac or Windows Provision and manage multiple remote Docker hosts Provision Swarm clusters A simple example to create a local Docker VM with VirtualBox: docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox default docker-machine ls eval "$(docker-machine env default)" Then start up a container: docker run alpine echo "hello-world" That's it, you have a running Docker container. ​ Container lifecycle Create a container: docker create imageName . Create and start a container in one operation: docker run imageName Remove the container after it stops --rm : docker run --rm alpine ls /usr/lib Attach the container stdin/stdout to the current terminal use -it : docker run -it ubuntu bash To mount a directory on the host to a